According to Sarah Lemaire, Ethics Manager at Ajionmatrix, one possibility to save lives is an up-graded use of our free will.
What is the current state of the art in artificial intelligence prediction of future events?
The Pentagon is said to be making advances in these technological capabilities of premonition, cfr article by J. Fingas, & cfr article by Brett Tingley.
GIDE, Global Information Dominance Experiments
an alert is launched when a detail is spotted (like more cars than usual in a certain parking lot) and a human can then take over to analyze the info and see if there is just a special deal or if it is a meeting of an extremist group preparing an attack; Article: Tyndall AFB, FL.
Kira Radinsky
My primary research focus is on how Web Dynamics and Knowledge can help us predict future events in our world. I investigate the changes the Web undergoes with time, from such salient changes as the addition and evolution of content, to more subtle temporal dynamics of user behavior, and how these can be used to predict future population behavior. I combine these dynamics along with other World Knowledge available on the Web to build systems that feed on numerous heterogeneous resources, such as Web activity, Real-Time media and Social media, to alert about upcoming future global events.
Study of temporal dynamics on the WEB and its application to information retrieval: here
In the article,
Sarah raises the following not quite insignificant points:
What forces are we playing with?
What are the consequences of rebalancing in the face of a preventive tipping of consciousness?
Is it permissible to save these lives if they were destined to perish?
But also:
How do we make/ensure/prove that BSPG escapes superstition?
What is the implication for the balance of power on the international scene in the face of this new technology?
In terms of international law, to what extent would anticipated actions against troops qualified as enemies thanks to such a technology still be considered as self-defense?
Towards the end of the balance of nation-states based on the forces involved in the Second World War?
What are the risks of such faculties in the hands of any government?
Such a capacity for premonition raises serious ethical questions. What human group would be able to hold this kind of information and ensure its use for the good of all living beings? Such a power could interfere with the free will of everyone and create divisions between the people who have this information and those who do not.
And the questions that are attached to it:
Would a democratic information, published in the eyes of all, 24/7 be possible?
What actions can we expect from a government that knows what might happen?
Sarah Lemaire
Ajinomatrix Ethical Head
